Church stabbing suspect didn’t seem violent beforehand | WakaWaka Reporters

Church stabbing suspect didn’t seem violent beforehand

A board member of a religious retreat where a man was fatally stabbed says the suspect didn’t seem violent in the days before the attack.

Eunsook Baihly (UN’-sook BAY’-lee) told The Frederick News-Post on Wednesday that 30-year-old Song Su Kim was “a little strange” but didn’t seem seriously mentally ill.

On-site manager Sangman Lee says there had been no fighting between Kim and victim Chung Hwan Park before the attack Sunday at the retreat owned by Anna Prayer Counseling Inc.

Park’s wife was wounded in the attack. The South Korean couple had been visiting the center near Urbana since early July.

Kim is charged with first-degree murder. He told police he stabbed the couple with a kitchen knife because he had been treated badly and wanted to “invade a Korean.”

–    AP