Economic Recession: Senate Worried Over Suspension Of Flights By Foreign Airlines | WakaWaka Reporters

Economic Recession: Senate Worried Over Suspension Of Flights By Foreign Airlines

As a way of exercising its oversight functions to salvage the ailing aviation industry, the Senate has resolved to support the intervention by the federal government in saving the traveling masses of the hardships usually encountered at the nation’s airports.

In a motion ably moved by Senator Dino Melaye (Kogi West) on the floor of the Senate on Thursday, the Senate urged the federal government to prevail on airline operators not to increase fares arbitrarily.

While leading the debate, Senator Dino Melaye intimated the Senate that some airlines had already suspended operations in Nigeria while others were about to suspend operations.

“The Senate notes with sadness the emerging challenges bedevilling the aviation industry as a result of the current economic recession where airlines like United Airlines, Emirate and the Kenya Airlines have either suspended or about to withdraw their operations in the country”, Melaye revealed.

Speaking further, the eloquent Senator was particularly disturbed, “that the implication of the current crisis is set to further make matters worse for the ordinary travelling Nigerians who are already bearing considerable burden over the current economic challenges.”

The decision of the airlines to suspend operations according to Senator Melaye, was not unconnected to, “their inability to repatriate their funds and meet with their operational obligations.”

While calling on the airline operators to denominate all local charges in naira to make flights affordable for common travellers, the Senate also urged the government to put in place a more lasting and sustainable programme of intervention and policy direction that will put the industry back in the course of growth.